六月 12, 2014 发表评论

从一个小采矿镇在澳大利亚的美国舞台, 澳大利亚出生的科迪·芬他的追求过程中已经采取了许多途径,以加强和促进他的演技. 现在, 蕨类植物是 2014 在电影的第六次年度希斯莱杰奖学金澳大利亚人收件人, 针对澳洲血统的资金和专业配角奖. 上周四晚, 弗恩领奖, 其中还包括一 $10,000 现金基金, 两年的奖学金,在表演和剧院的洛杉矶斯特拉·阿德勒学院和指导,从已故演员希斯·莱杰的父亲, 在SLS酒店举行的筹款晚宴. 展望未来, 芬表示,他期待着他要追求未来的角色, 外面的激情和演员已经启发了他.

这是作为一个演员极为重要,并作为一个单独的来自澳大利亚. 这是一件事在你的职业生涯的支持和您的同行还有一点要拥抱你,说,我们相信你. 这感觉就像归属感, 尤其是作为一个演员, 你需要在你的生活,告诉你一直走下去,追逐这个梦想的疯狂,你已经在你的生活的时刻.

在行动之前,你在商业合作. 那是什么表现,你的演技,你真正的激情撒谎的那一刻?
因为我是约我知道 6 和, 在非陈词滥调方式, 我一直都知道,我想采取行动. So my journey has been about finding the “why” and figuring out the reason behind it. I remember watching Cate Blanchett in “Elizabeth” and feeling like for the first time – even though that time period wasn’t happening now – that I believed that role. And that’s where the genius of where it grew from.

What are you looking forward to most in LA?
It’s all a little bit crazy at the moment so I’m looking forward to a lot of things. But I’m definitely looking into feature film work and getting into that kind of realm.

I saw you’re also working on a novel. What will it be about?
Writing is one of those very personal things so I might keep that one a little bit closer until that’s published. But it’s about a teenage boy and his journey in negotiating the world of becoming a man in a very isolated town. It’s a little bit of a personal piece and it will continue to develop.

What would be your dream role?
I would want to do a role like the one Ezra Miller had in “We Need To Talk About Kevin.” That is a real juicy role. I love everything about Benedict Cumberbatch because he’s so intelligent and talented. But I also have to say my dream role would be opposite of Meryl Streep or Daniel Day-Lewis.

What was your favorite Heath Ledger role?
I remember seeing Heath Ledger in the Australian film “Candy” and that was a game changer for me. It’s just incredible. If you look at his transition from “Candy” to “Brokeback Mountain” to the Joker [in “The Dark Knight”] you can see that he was a talented individual and range he had was incredible. 但“糖果”对我来说是一个开创性, 显示我说,“哇, 这个家伙是一个艺术家。”

