Archive for the 'interview' Category

June 16, 2014 intervyu, matbuot

kichik kon-shahar Janubiy Xoch boshlab, WA tug'ilgan va Cody Fern Los Anjeles kino ning oltinchi yillik Heath Ledger Ilmda avstraliyaliklar qozongan keyin bo'ron tomonidan Golivud olish majmui ko'rinadi ko'tardi. Fern yilda Ledger ko'rib aktyorlik davom ettirish uchun ilhom manbai bo'ldi 2006 kech WA aktyor geroin ruju o'ynagan film Candy. “He’s […]

June 12, 2014 intervyu, matbuot

From a small mining town in Australia to the American stage, Australian-born Cody Fern has taken many routes during his pursuit to strengthen and further his acting skills. Now, Fern is the 2014 recipient of Australians in Film’s sixth annual Heath Ledger Scholarship, an award aimed at financially and professionally supporting actors of Australian descent. On […]

June 12, 2014 intervyu, matbuot

Cody Fern, 25, uchun ikkinchi-up Sharlotta eng yaxshi va itu issiqlik chiqib mag'lub $20,000 sovrin. Western Australian actor Cody Fern was named the Australians In Film Heath Ledger Scholarship winner for 2014 at a celebratory dinner in Los Angeles on Thursday that was hosted by musician, aktyor va rejissyor, Tim Minchin. 25-yoshli, best known for his role as […]

oktyabr 14, 2012 intervyu, matbuot

HE GREW up in a tiny Outback town and did not set foot on a stage until three years go. Now, at 24, Cody Fern has been cast in the coveted lead role for the Australian run of international stage sensation War Horse. It goes without saying that he’s thrilled to have landed a dream role, […]