Archive for the 'Apocalypse' Category

Peni o ia no roto mai i te finale o te pue tau o te mau aamu o te riaria rahi: Apocalypse tei tuuhia mai i nia i to tatou gallery. Tatou parau aroha i o Cody mai te Aniti, Michael ra tatou ’ re i te mau hioraa i mua i te eaha to muri mai no te Cody e no tana ohipa i te tupuraa i te rahi! Gallery i te hono: Afata teata taviri > Riaria rahi i te mau aamu (2018) > Tau 09: Apocalypse > Episode […]

«E e aita te taata i te hoe aroraa royale mai te huru o Ryan [Murphy] e i te hoe aroraa royale,«Te fetia FX parau TheWrap (Faaararaa: Tei roto i teie papairaa te spoilers no te «mau riaria rahi aamu: Apocalypse» na roto i te aamu o te hepetoma hopea) E te hio mai te «mau riaria rahi aamu: Apocalypse», o haere i te pae hopea i te hoe bang teie po — ei. Tera ra, e, what did you expect from […]

O Cody Fern i roto i te ao nei no te tau roa o Ryan Murphy i te omuaraa o teie matahiti i roto i te mau hara i te reira aamu: Te Assassination o te Gianni Versace ei David Madson, te hoe o Andrew Cunanan ’ te ati matamua s. Tauturu i te ohipa e faahaere Fern ’ s tera ohipa, e ua roaa iana i te hoe vahi i roto i te Murphy ’ s i te fare o te regulars, landing him the prize role of Michael Langdon — aka […]

O Cody Fern, e papu roa e, ma te hoe taime i te Hollywood. Te tuiroo Auteraria e roaa i te haapao maitai i te faufaa mau i roto i te teie pue tau mahanahana i tona tiaraa ei David Madson i roto i te Assassination o te Gianni Versace: Mau hara i te reira aamu, e i teie tau, oia i nia i te tahi e te tahi ua tupai Ryan Murphy ei Michael Langdon, the son of Connie Britton and an evil latex gimp monster […]

Novema 7, 2018 Apocalypse, uiuiraa, haere

Taahiraa i te hoe i roto i te faaineineraa i te no te hauti i te Aniti? E haapii mai nahea ia. “Aita vau i ite i te hauti i te hoe huru o te taata maori ra, ua here au iana,” Te parau nei o Cody Fern ET no tona tiaraa ei Michael Langdon, te Aniti, i nia i te aamu mau riaria rahi: Apocalypse. “Aita vau i ite i te ino. E ere te tano iau… ta outou e nehenehe e hauti i te ino. […]

O Cody Fern te paraparau nei i te papai vea i te Hollywood no nia i te embodying i te Michael Langdon i te anthology FX riaria rahi e te teases hoe “mea oaoa” faaoti i te, Apocalypse.’ O Cody Fern aita i ite oia te hauti ra te Aniti ia tauraa matamua oia i tana ohipa i te mau aamu o te riaria rahi. Ua fati i te tuiroo te hoe ohipa i nia i a Ryan Murphy i te tahi atu mau FX, […]

Cody Fern didn’t know anything about his American Horror Story: Apocalypse character. Well, almost nothing. He knew he’d be wearing a luxurious wig. “What wig? [Laughs.] The discussion about the wig was the first thing I knew about the character. I found out that’d I’d be playing a character in American Horror Story back in […]

Cody Fern ua ofati i te mau aau e ua tupu te i tana ohipa ei David Madson i roto i te «te Assassination o te Gianni Versace: Mau hara i te reira aamu.» Tera ra, i teie nei ua mai-faahou-hia faau ai e o Ryan Murphy no te «mau riaria rahi aamu: Apocalypse,«i roto i te o ua hauti te demoni te Michael Langdon, who can snap the necks and stop the hearts of those in […]