Cody Fern aliingia Ryan Murphy kupanuliwa ulimwengu mapema mwaka huu katika American Crime Story: Mauaji ya Gianni Versace kama David Madson, mmoja wa waathirika wa kwanza Andrew Cunanan ya. jukumu ulisaidia kuzindua kazi Fern na yalimwezesha kupata nafasi katika imara Murphy wa regulars, kutua kwake tuzo nafasi ya Michael Langdon - aka Mpinga - katika American Horror Story: Apocalypse. Kabla ya finale usiku huu, OUT gumzo na muigizaji wa Australia kuhusu uzoefu wake wa kufanya kazi na hadithi kama Sarah Paulson na Jessica Lange, kama au yeye d kurudi kwa ajili ya msimu mwingine wa AHS, nini ilikuwa kama kuvaa kwamba wigi gorgeous na nini katika kuhifadhi kwa Michael katika Apocalypse finale.
Ni nini kama kwa kucheza Mpinga?
Imekuwa ni fursa kubwa ya kazi yangu kaimu hadi sasa. Kati ya hii na Versace, ff kwa sababu fulani Apocalypse alikuja usiku wa leo, Ningependa kuwa na pretty furaha na kile nimepata kufanyika.
Kiasi gani unajua kwenda katika msimu?
Sikujua chochote, Mimi hata kujua mada, tuligundua wakati kila mtu mwingine aligundua. Hatukuwa kujua wazi kwamba kulikuwa na Apocalypse, lakini mimi aligundua kwamba nilikuwa kucheza Michael Langdon siku mbili kabla ya kuanza utengenezaji wa filamu. eneo la tukio yangu ya kwanza ilikuwa ya kuhojiwa na Venable {Sarah Paulson). Yote Ryan alikuwa aliniambia ni kwamba ningependa kuwa amevaa muda, blonde wig na kwamba mimi bila kuwa na mshikamano kwa capes. Nilikwenda katika kipande kufikiri nilikuwa mhusika mkuu.
Cody Fern ni hakika kuwa wakati katika Hollywood. muigizaji wa Australia alipata usikivu muhimu majira haya ya joto kwa jukumu lake kama David Madson katika Mauaji ya Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, na hii kuanguka yeye ni juu ya mwingine Ryan Murphy kugonga kama Michael Langdon, mwana wa Connie Britton na maovu mpira gimp monster katika msimu wa sasa wa Marekani Horror Story: Apocalypse. Kama ya Ijumaa ya mwisho, watazamaji wanaweza pia kuona Fern katika msimu wa mwisho wa Baraza la kadi. Yeye ni kila mahali! Lakini wacha kuzingatia maswali muhimu kweli: Je hii horror-Meister kufanya kwa Halloween, na je, yeye upendo kuhusu kucheza Mpinga? zaidi wigs, ni zamu nje.
Ulifanya nini kwa Halloween?
Sijawahi kwa gwaride katika L.A. awali - ni daima imekuwa bahati mbaya mfululizo wa matukio, kama mwaka jana nilikuwa na sumu ya chakula. Mwaka huu nilikuwa incredibly uchovu na mimi nilikuwa kama, "Hapana, sasa si wakati muafaka kwa kuwa. Nimemaliza Horror Story, na mimi nina hisia mchanga na siwezi kwenda. "Lakini mara tu rafiki kuulizwa kama nilitaka kwenda, nilisema, "Hebu kuvaa kinyago na kufanya hivyo." Kwa hiyo mimi kutembea West Hollywood na baadhi ya marafiki na kuona tamasha mbele yangu. Ilikuwa baridi na balaa na watu wengi sana. Mimi si kutumika Halloween. Hatuna huduma ya juu yake katika Australia.
Step one in preparing to play the antichrist? Learn how to relate.
“I don’t know how to play a character unless I love him,” Cody Fern tells ET of his role as Michael Langdon, the antichrist, on American Horror Story: Apocalypse. “I don’t see the evil. It’s not useful to me… you can’t play evil. How can I play evil?”
Fern comes pretty darn close on the FX series, ambayo ni, remarkably, only his third television show. As the Australian actor notes, he’s only really been in the business for five years. After honing his chops in Australian theater, he arrived in Los Angeles to pursue his Hollywood dreams, but didn’t work for three and a half “brutal” years. Everything changed with Ryan Murphy.
The super-producer cast Fern as David Madson in his other FX series, American Crime Story: Mauaji ya Gianni Versace. “It was my first real professional job,” Fern says of the gig. Though he calls it a “somewhat smaller supporting role,” it was enough to impress Murphy, who gave him a breakout part in the new installment of AHS. Fern, who also stars on the new season of House of Cards, has been working steadily ever since.
As for his role as Michael, the 30-year-old actor admits that reading the Satanic Bible was one of the more interesting ways he prepared to step into the character — but not the most important.
“The human angle, that’s exactly what I went for, because how can you play the antichrist? For me, I can’t play a metaphor or a symbol. I needed to play a human being, and I needed to play a human being who is just like any other, who has longing, who has needs, who is hurt, who loves and needs love, and that’s how I went about going and getting to the core of who he was,” Fern explains, revealing that he took inspiration from how Queen Elizabeth II’s life was portrayed on Netflix’s The Crown.
“Imagine being born into something that supposedly serves a greater purpose,” anasema. “That’s how I approach Michael’s anger, first and foremost, that he was born into something that he doesn’t understand, that he doesn’t choose. That he needs to go about molding himself into, that other people are continually pressing onto him, that there are all of these expectations and these weights and he has these impulses that he doesn’t understand, that he is just enacting.”
Last week’s episode saw Michael’s confusion come to a head, in a vicious scene in which he murders a goat that was “mocking” him, Fern describes. “I grew up in an area where people would go around and kill things, and I very much was not about that,” the actor admits of his childhood, though says his personal views didn’t come into play while filming the scene.
“That whole scene is the reverse temptation of Christ, you know. So that didn’t bother me at all,” he says with a laugh. “It’s certainly not playing myself. There are elements of myself in the role, but then I have to kind of let all of that go. And you’re imagining things. That’s the wonder of it. You get to play in this different realm where you are not you, so there’s always the barrier. And you know, I’m not killing a real goat, so I was just fine.”
With just two episodes left of the season, Fern teases that fans can expect more of the Apocalypse journey. “We’ve come to learn it’s not a general thing that Michael is carrying out, but rather a very personal attack against a particular group of people. And even more specifically, against Cordelia,” he notes, hinting there’s a prophecy that cannot be avoided. “So that will certainly feed into what we are about to see, and Michael’s sense of righteousness moving forward about how he’s going to come back to Cordelia. I can’t give too much away.”
Fern wrapped production on AHS last week, confessing that leaving the character behind felt like “a cleaving of the soul.” “I’m kind of coming back down to earth, and it’s going to be a process, you know? Especially because I so loved playing Michael and I so loved being in his skin. So it’s tough,” anasema. “But you know, nitasema, I’ve had the most extraordinary year of my life. And I’m so grateful for it, and I’m so overwhelmed by it.”
“Angalia, if Ryan asked me back, I would be thrilled. I mean, Ryan is such an exceptional artist and human being. I want to work with him again and again and again and again, so if I had that opportunity, I 100 percent will jump, but I’m focusing on the present,” Fern muses. “Whereas normally I would be worrying about what the future is going to bring, I’m just bathing in this moment right now, and it’s been the most glorious moment of my life. So I’m incredibly fortunate and just so grateful.”
Cody Fern anaongea na Mwandishi Mkono kuhusu embodying Michael Langdon katika FX hofu anthology na teases “kutosheleza” kuishia kwa 'Apocalypse.’
Cody Fern hakujua alikuwa kucheza Mpinga wakati walitua kwanza Horror Story yake American jukumu.
muigizaji imeshaanza na utendaji kwa upande mwingine FX mfululizo Ryan Murphy, Mauaji ya Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, na alikuwa tu amefungwa sinema juu ya msimu wa mwisho wa Baraza Netflix ya kadi. Siku mbili kabla ya kuelekea katika uzalishaji na msimu wa nane hofu anthology AHS, yenye jina la Apocalypse, Fern barabara alikuwa kucheza zaidi ya guy na “muda mrefu, blonde nywele na mshikamano kwa capes” alipomwona jina la tabia yake kwenye hati mpya: Michael Langdon.
AHS watazamaji kwanza alikutana Michael Langdon katika msimu mmoja wa Mauaji House. Michael alikuwa 3 umri wa miaka ambaye alikuwa alitabiri kuwa Mpinga Kristo, mwana wa shetani ambao kuleta mwisho wa dunia. Saba majira baadaye, Murphy akarudi hadithi kwamba kwa uvukaji msimu wa Apocalypse, ambayo ina imefungwa pamoja Mauaji House na msimu tatu ya Coven na mwisho wa dunia njama. kwa Urasimu, siri bado swirls kuzunguka mtu katika kituo cha msimu kama mapipa kuelekea mwisho wake.
Cody Fern hakujua chochote kuhusu Horror yake American Story: tabia Apocalypse. Vizuri, karibu chochote. Alijua yeye d amevaa wigi kifahari.
“nini wigi? [Anacheka.] mjadala kuhusu wigi ilikuwa jambo la kwanza mimi alijua kuhusu tabia. Nimeona kwamba Ningependa ningependa kuwa kucheza tabia katika American Horror Story nyuma katika Oktoba, lakini sikuweza kujua ni nani ni itakuwa hadi siku kabla ya kurekodi,” Fern aliiambia E! News. Alijua kwamba Ningependa kazi na Sarah Paulson na kwamba ni pretty kiasi.
“Sikujua ambaye nilikuwa kucheza, Mimi nilijua tu angekuwa na muda, Dorian Gray-esque nywele na ingekuwa na upendo capes. Hayo ni yote Mimi nilijua. mjadala kuhusu wigi ... Sikumbuki kuwa na mjadala ambao ni kwa mechi Connie Britton, lakini najua kuna kuwa vipengele vya wahusika wengine zenye ndani yake, lakini sikujua ambayo, sababu ilikuwa ni ya chini ya Wraps ...[Ryan Murphy] Ilikuwa dhahiri sana kuhusu kutaka kuwa wigi. Ryan alikuwa incredibly kujihusisha na wigi kwamba,” alisema kwa kicheko.
Watazamaji-na Fern-sasa tunajua yeye ni kucheza Michael Langdon, mwana American Horror Story: Mauaji House wahusika Vivien (Britton) na Tate (Evan Peters). Billie Dean Howard (moja ya Paulson ya wahusika wengi msimu huu wa AHS: Apocalypse) alitabiri Michael Langdon, mwana wa roho, itakuwa Mpinga Kristo. Yeye anaishi hadi hatima kwamba, kama watazamaji kama yeye au la.
Cody Fern kuvunja mioyo na kuvunja nje na utendaji wake kama David Madson katika "Mauaji ya Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. "Lakini sasa yeye tena wameungana na Ryan Murphy" American Horror Story: Apocalypse,"Ambapo ina mapepo Michael Langdon, ambao wanaweza snap shingo na kuacha mioyo ya wale walio katika njia yake na tu kuzungusha mkono wake.
Fern anasema baada ya kufanya kazi kwa Murphy juu ya "Versace,"Wazalishaji prolific alimuuliza wakati Ningependa ya inapatikana sababu alijua kwamba alitaka kupata naye juu ya" Horror Story. "Lakini hakumwambia Fern hasa ambaye atakuwa kucheza haki mbali.
"[Ryan] akapiga mimi wahusika wenye nywele ndefu Dorian-esque, kwamba alikuwa na nguvu kubwa za lakini pia kiasi kikubwa cha mazingira magumu,"Fern anaelezea mbalimbali. "Sikujua nilikuwa kucheza Michael Langdon hadi wiki kabla ya kuanza utengenezaji wa filamu."
lami kuu, Fern inaendelea, mara kwamba Murphy alimwambia yeye d kazi na "wanawake ajabu,"Na mbili alikuwa na" wakiifanya kikao "kuhusu Sarah Paulson na Kathy Bates. Pia "akapiga mimi kama guy nzuri katika mazingira na shujaa katika mazingira,"Ambayo Fern kupatikana funny kwa sababu kwa kweli walidhani villain itakuwa ya kuvutia zaidi.
"Lakini ni jinsi gani kila shakes nje katika mwisho, Ninacheza zote mbili, kwa namna,"Anasema.
muigizaji wa Australia yalitokea mwaka huu katika nafasi ya David Madson katika Ryan MurphyAmerican Crime Story: Mauaji ya Gianni Versace. next, Fern has a starring role in the upcoming Kevin Spacey-less season of Nyumba ya kadi. Yeye pia kuandika na kuelekeza kipengele filamu, zinazozalishwa na mtengenezaji wa filamu auteur Xavier Dolan.
How do you approach playing a real person in Versace versus a fictional person in Nyumba ya kadi?
“mchakato langu ni yanayobadilika. Ina kubadilisha na kukabiliana. Kucheza David Madson katikaVersace-Kutoka wakati yeye inaingia screen, yeye kuiitia kwa maisha yake katika njia moja au nyingine. Hivyo ilikuwa angavu sana, hisia, uzoefu mbichi. lakini Nyumba ya kadi, you are working within the Nyumba ya kadi realm, kuna mtindo na rhythm na muundo kwa show, ambapo kila mtu ni kazi katika eneo hili la ngono na nguvu na hali ya, na kuna mchezo unaochezwa katika kila eneo la tukio moja.”
Is it true you almost quit acting before getting the breakout role in Versace?
“Wewe ni daima kwenda kupoteza nje wakati wewe ni mgeni katika mji, hawana mikopo, na wewe si 22. Hivyo mimi tu ya kuanza kupata alisikitishwa. Watu hawakujua mahali pa mimi kama muigizaji. Walitaka nicheze kijana karibu na mimi alikataa kucheza kwamba, kwa sababu ni antithetical mimi ni nani na kile unataka kufanya. Nilitaka kufanya kazi na Ryan Murphy kwa sababu yeye maono na trailblazer katika suala la kuwaambia hadithi kuhusu wachache na sehemu ya jamii ambayo watu hawataki kuangalia. Hivyo mimi akaruka kutoka London, akaenda majaribio ya ndege-baki kama kuzimu, na mimi got jukumu. Kila kitu iliyopita.”
Gianni Versace gets title billing in the current season of Ryan Murphy’s anthology series American Crime Story, but the story belongs to his murderer, Andrew Cunanan. A serial killer who targeted gay men, Cunanan was already being pursued by the FBI in connection to four murders before he shot Versace in the head outside his beachfront villa in South Beach in July 1997, and while the season opens with the famed designer’s death, it quickly spins back in time to track Cunanan’s bloody path to Miami. In last week’s episode, Cunanan, played by Darren Criss, killed Lee Miglin, a closeted married man who was a longtime client of Cunanan’s escort services, and tonight introduces David Madson, Cunanan’s ex-boyfriend and second victim, who is portrayed by the Australian newcomer Cody Fern in his television début. “If you know Ryan’s work, you know that Ryan is not going to just give you the assassination of Gianni Versace,” Fern says. “That doesn’t interest him so much as the context around it and how it got to this point. He finds ways into stories that nobody else does. I don’t know where it comes from, but he understands human nature in a way that most people don’t.”
The newcomer on growing up in the Australian outback, playing Jennifer Garner’s son, and his next role on American Crime Story.
Based on Joy Nicholson’s 1997 best-selling novel of the same name, Brendan and Emmett Malloys’ sophomore narrative feature, The Tribes of Palos Verdes—with Karen Croner’s capable script that exchanged several directors’ hands during its nearly two decades in development—is the story of a family in crisis, set against the spectacular backdrop of coastal Southern California.
The Masons just relocated to an affluent Palos Verdes, planting roots in an idyllic clifftop residence overlooking the Pacific surf. But as our teenage protagonist Medina (Maika Monroe) informs us in voiceover, there was trouble brewing long before the family arrived in this paradise. At 16, she’s an outcast who relies entirely too much on her effortlessly charismatic twin brother Jim (Cody Fern). Medina and Jim take to the waves every chance they get—their mastery of the surfboard a reprieve from their doomy lives at home. Consider their manic depressive mother Sandy (Jennifer Garner), who grows pathologically dependent on Jim when her follow-your-bliss husband Phil (Justin Kirk) extricates himself from her “black hole moods” to be with their young, bubbly real estate agent (Alicia Silverstone). In fact, Medina and Sandy are so thrown off-balance by this adjustment from heartland Michigan to a rigid and superficial world that keeping them on an even keel takes precedence for Jim, even as he slips deeper into his own drug abuse—a seismic disaster-in-wait.
Kutoka ndogo ya madini-mji Southern Cross, WA mzaliwa na kukulia Cody Fern inaonekana kuweka kuchukua Hollywood na dhoruba baada ya kushinda Australia katika Film ya sita ya mwaka Heath kitabu Scholarship katika Los Angeles.
Fern ulitokana kujiingiza kaimu baada ya kuona kitabu katika 2006 filamu Candy ambapo marehemu WA muigizaji alicheza madawa heroin.
“Yeye ni msukumo, hasa kwa sababu mimi kuja kutoka WA ambapo yeye ni legend lakini binafsi na kitaaluma – maana dunia kwangu kushinda udhamini huu,” Fern alisema.
Ishirini na tano na umri wa miaka Fern inashangaza tu kupitiwa katika hatua ya miaka mitano iliyopita. Yeye kufuzu kutoka Chuo Kikuu Curtin na bachelor ya biashara.
Fern tangu alionekana katika michezo mbalimbali ikiwa ni pamoja na kama Romeo katika Perth ya Shakespeare katika Park uzalishaji wa Romeo na Juliet katika 2011 kabla ya kuhamia Sydney na kutua kwa coveted kuongoza nafasi ya Albert Narracott katika uzalishaji wa Australia wa Vita Horse katika 2012.
Yeye tu saini na wakala LA na meneja na ina majaribio kwa idadi ya kipengele filamu na wake “ndoto jukumu” kuwa kucheza kinyume Meryl Streep au Daniel Day-Lewis.
tuzo yake ni pamoja na $10,000 mfuko wa fedha, miaka miwili udhamini katika Los Angeles’ Stella Adler Chuo cha Kaimu na Theatre na kuwashauri fursa na wataalamu wa sekta na AIF.