Archive for the 'press' Category

April 9, 2021 photos, press

Wearing Maison Margiela, the actor covers Man About Town’s SS21 issue. Our gallery has been updated with the photoshoot. The actor, style muse and Ryan Murphy favourite is doing things his own way, eager to be defined by more than just his career choices. If there is one image that springs to mind when you […]

March 14, 2019 photos, press

Cody has his first official cover for the UK’s GQ Style magazine. Thanks to our friends at Cody Fern Source, we have added digital scans of the editorial to our image gallery! Gallery Patalina: Magazine Scans > 2019 > British GQ Style (March)

“And nobody does a battle royale like Ryan [Murphy] does a battle royale,” FX star tells TheWrap (Warning: This post contains spoilers for “American Horror Story: Apocalypse” through last week’s episode) It looks like “American Horror Story: Apocalypse” is going to end with a bang tonight — literally. tapi, really, what did you expect from […]

Cody Fern diasupkeun ka Ryan Murphy nambahan semesta saméméhna taun ieu di Amérika Kajahatan Story: The tiwasna of Gianni Versace sakumaha Daud Madson, salah sahiji korban heula Andrew Cunanan urang. peran nu mantuan ngajalankeun karier Fern sarta earned anjeunna hiji tempat di stabil Murphy ngeunaan regulars, landing him the prize role of Michael Langdon — aka […]

Cody Fern geus pasti gaduh jurus di Hollywood. The aktor Australia massana perhatian kritis panas ieu peran minangka Daud Madson dina The tiwasna of Gianni Versace: Amérika Kajahatan Story, sarta ragrag ieu anjeunna on sejen Ryan Murphy pencét sakumaha Michael Langdon, the son of Connie Britton and an evil latex gimp monster […]

November 7, 2018 Apocalypse, interview, press

Step one in preparing to play the antichrist? Learn how to relate. “I don’t know how to play a character unless I love him,” Cody Fern tells ET of his role as Michael Langdon, the antichrist, on American Horror Story: Apocalypse. “I don’t see the evil. It’s not useful to meyou can’t play evil. […]

Cody Fern speaks mun The Hollywood reporter ngeunaan embodying Michael Langdon dina antologi FX horor jeung teases a “satisfying” tungtung nepi ka 'Apocalypse.’ Cody Fern teu terang anjeunna maén Dajjal sabot mimiti landed Amérika peran Blora Story na. aktor kungsi pegat kaluar sareng kinerja on runtuyan FX Ryan Murphy urang lianna, […]

Cody Fern teu nyaho nanaon tentang Blora Story Amérika na: karakter Apocalypse. sumur, ampir euweuh. Anjeunna terang anjeunna kukituna jadi ngagem buuk palsu mewah. “naon buuk palsu? [Laughs.] The sawala ngeunaan buuk palsu ieu hal kahiji kuring terang ngeunaan karakter nu. I found out that’d I’d be playing a character in American Horror Story back in […]

Cody Fern peupeus hate tur peupeus kaluar kalawan kinerja diangkat jadi David Madson dina "The tiwasna of Gianni Versace: Amérika Kajahatan Story ". Tapi ayeuna manehna geus ulang teamed kalawan Ryan Murphy pikeun" Blora Story Amérika: Apocalypse,"Di mana manéhna muterkeun nu demonic Michael Langdon, who can snap the necks and stop the hearts of those in […]

September 17, 2018 interview, press

The Australian actor broke out this year in the role of David Madson in Ryan Murphy’sAmerican Crime Story: The tiwasna of Gianni Versace. Teras, Fern has a starring role in the upcoming Kevin Spacey-less season of House of Cards. Ceuk urang oge nulis na ngarahkeun film fitur, dihasilkeun ku auteur filmmaker Xavier Dolan. How do you […]