она April 9, 2021 Оставите одговор

Wearing Maison Margiela, the actor covers Man About Town’s SS21 issue. Our gallery has been updated with the photoshoot.

The actor, style muse and Ryan Murphy favourite is doing things his own way, eager to be defined by more than just his career choices.

If there is one image that springs to mind when you think of Cody Fern, it might be from the Golden Globes, back in 2019. This was in the Before Times, when red carpets were still a thing, and there was Fern, decked out in Maison Margiela. Black Tabi boots, black high-waisted trousers, and a black buttoned-up blouse, sheer from the shoulders up. It was the kind of outfit that seemed to make the whole world stop and wonder, perhaps collectively: who the fuck is that? Soon, they would all find out.

Until that point, Fern had been best known for appearing in The Assassination of Gianni Versace as David Madsen, the second victim of serial killer Andrew Cunanan. But he now found himself at the centre of a “gender-fluid fashion” moment, an overnight style icon who would soon feature on the cover of a certain gentleman’s magazine under the headline: “Hollywood’s genderfuck rebel”.

“I knew exactly what it was going to do,” he says now, of the reaction the look generated. “And the thing is, I didn’t give a shit.”

Had he changed fashion? Had he tipped the very concept of gender on its head? Even Fern is unconvinced (“did we forget about Bowie?” he asks). But what he had done is walked into the Margiela store in LA and bought the outfit himself, right off the rack, because no one had wanted to dress him for the awards. That would change very quickly.

“I had been playing the game of wearing the suit with the nice tie and trying to fit in, so there was part of me that thought fuck that,” he says of his style up until that point. “So doing that at the Golden Globes? It was actually for me. It was like shedding that skin.”

Five months later, Fern was in New York. It was May, Met Gala season, and that year’s theme was “Camp: Notes on Fashion”, based on an essay by Susan Sontag. Lady Gaga had four outfit changes; Harry Styles wore an all-black ensemble with sheer sleeves; Shawn Mendes wore, well, a suit. But Fern wanted to change expectations the way he had done at the Golden Globes, and he knew just the way to go about it

Cody Fern wears Maison Margiela on the cover of Man About Town’s SS21 issue. To read the full cover story, pre order the issue now.

она December 9, 2019 Оставите одговор

Извињавам се због веома дугог одлагања у додавању ове, Ја сам се баве стварима изван ввв и Ели је био заузет као и. Међутим, Галерија се ажурира са остатком несталих биљежи од Цоди Ферн из 1984 и можете да их видите сада. опет, извињавам се!

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Галерија линк:

зеленика August 26, 2019 Оставите одговор

Пуна приколица за предстојећу сезону у АХС је слетео и можете га гледати у наставку.

зеленика May 6, 2019 Оставите одговор

Cody made a rare appearance this evening at the Met Gala and I have added 14 photos from it to our image gallery. We hope to find more and add them in throughout the next couple of days.

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Галерија линк:

зеленика март 14, 2019 Оставите одговор

Коди има своју прву званичну маску за ГК Магазине у Великој Британији. Захваљујући нашим пријатељима у Коди Папрат Извор, додали смо дигиталне скенирање уводнику у нашој галерији слика!

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Галерија линк:

зеленика December 29, 2018 Оставите одговор

Као што многи од вас знају, смо затворили наш сајт због околности у којима смо се називају имена и разговарали до преко водених жигова на нашим фотографијама. Да будем искрен, јесмо расправа не доноси сајт леђа и затварање за добро, али након што је време да поразговарамо о томе и преиспитају ствари, we decided that we were not going to let a couple of people who are clearly cyberbullies win. This is by the way the last time either of us will be discussing this matter because we want to move into the new year with positivity instead of negativity.

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зеленика новембар 30, 2018 Оставите одговор

Снима из сезоне финале Америцан Хоррор Стори: Apocalypse have been added to our gallery. We say goodbye to Cody as the antichrist, Мицхаел али сви се радујемо што следи за Цоди и његова каријера расте!

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Галерија линк:

  • телевизијских продукција > Америцан Хоррор Стори (2018) > Годишње доба 09: апокалипса > епизода Шаторовљани > 8×10: “Апоцалипсе Онда “

зеленика новембар 18, 2018 Оставите одговор

Поздрав и добродошли на Ферналициоус, Ваш најновији онлине извор посвећен невероватне и талентованог глумца, редитељ и писац, Коди Папрат! Оба Елле и ја смо узбуђени да бисте покренули сајт и донети вам најновије вести, информације, и слике на Коди као што смо их пронашли. Провели смо сате да се нашој галерији горе и трчање, а ми још додајемо више! Хвала вам што сте свратити и надамо се да уживате у шта имамо да понудимо до сада за фанове. Пратите нас на твиттер налогу (@цодиферннет) да остану у току са сајта и добити обавештења о томе када објавимо нове садржаје за тебе и ако имате нешто што желите да видите нас додати коришћења Контакт формулар и да нас обавестите! Не можемо да чекамо да деле више од Цоди холивудски путовања са свима!

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она новембар 14, 2018 Оставите одговор

“And nobody does a battle royale like Ryan [Марфи] does a battle royale,” FX star tells TheWrap

(Warning: This post contains spoilers for “American Horror Story: Apocalypse” through last week’s episode)

It looks like “American Horror Story: Apocalypse” is going to end with a bang tonight — literally. Али, really, what did you expect from a season all about the end of the world?

да, we now know Michael Langdon’s plan — which appears to be to watch the world and everything in it, including those pesky witches, go up in flames — is slowly coming to fruition, as tonight is the Season 8 finale.

TheWrap spoke with Cody Fern after Episode 808, “Sojourn,” to get as many details as we possibly could about how his on-screen alter ego — the Antichrist himself — plans to duke it out with Supreme Cordelia Goode (Сара Полсон) and her coven on the finale of Ryan Murphy’s “Apocalypse.” And what we learned is it’s gonna be a big and messy showdown.

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