ayay June 12, 2014 Leave a Reply

Laga soo bilaabo magaalada macdanta yar ee Australia marxaladda American, dhashay Australian-Cody Fern ayaa qaaday waddooyinka badan intii uu raacdada in la xoojiyo oo sii xirfadaha uu jilitaanka. Hadda, Fern waa 2014 recipient of Australians in Film’s sixth annual Heath Ledger Scholarship, abaalmarin loogu talagalay dhaqaale iyo xirfad taageeraya jilayaasha ka soo jeeda Australia. On habeenkii khamiista, Fern accepted the award, which also includes a $10,000 fund lacag caddaan ah, a two year scholarship at Los Angeles’ Stella Adler Academy of Acting and Theatre and mentorship from the father of the late actor Heath Ledger, at the fundraising dinner held at the SLS Hotel. Moving ahead, Fern said he looks forward to future roles he wants to pursue, outside passions and actors that have inspired him.

What does the scholarship mean to you?
It’s profoundly important as an actor and as an individual coming from Australia. It’s one thing to be supported in your career and another thing for your peers to embrace you and say we believe in you. It feels like a sense of belonging, and especially as an actor, you need those moments in your life that tells you to keep going and chasing this crazy dream you’ve had in your life.

Before acting you worked in commerce. What was the moment that showed you acting was where you true passion lied?
I’ve known since I was about 6 iyo, in a non-cliché way, I always knew I wanted to act. So my journey has been about finding the “why” and figuring out the reason behind it. I remember watching Cate Blanchett in “Elizabeth” and feeling like for the first time – even though that time period wasn’t happening now – that I believed that role. And that’s where the genius of where it grew from.

What are you looking forward to most in LA?
It’s all a little bit crazy at the moment so I’m looking forward to a lot of things. But I’m definitely looking into feature film work and getting into that kind of realm.

I saw you’re also working on a novel. What will it be about?
Writing is one of those very personal things so I might keep that one a little bit closer until that’s published. But it’s about a teenage boy and his journey in negotiating the world of becoming a man in a very isolated town. It’s a little bit of a personal piece and it will continue to develop.

What would be your dream role?
I would want to do a role like the one Ezra Miller had in “We Need To Talk About Kevin.” That is a real juicy role. Waxaan jeclahay wax walba oo ku saabsan Benedict Cumberbatch sababtoo ah waa si caqli iyo tayo leh. Laakiin sidoo kale waxaan ku leeyahay kaalin riyo ii noqon laheyd soo horjeeda ee Meryl Streep ama Daniel Day-Lewis.

Muxuu ahaa doorka jecel Heath Ledger?
Waxaan xasuustaa inaan arkay Heath Ledger filimka "Candy" Australia iyo in ay ahayd baddali ciyaar ii. Waxa kaliya cajiib ah. Haddii aad eegto uu guurka ka "Candy" in "Brokeback Mountain" in Joker ee [in "The Dark Knight"] waxaad ka arki kartaa in uu ahaa shaqsi karti iyo dhaxayn uu ahaa cajiib ah. Laakiin "Candy" waxa uu ahaa mid ka mid ah ku taalba ii, i muujinaya in "Wow, ninkaan waa farshaxaniiste. "


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