Elle November 7, 2018 Leave a Reply

कोडी फर्न पक्कै हलिउड मा एक क्षण भएको छ. को अष्ट्रेलियन अभिनेता Gianni वर्साचे को हत्या मा दाऊदले Madson रूपमा आफ्नो भूमिका लागि यो गर्मी महत्वपूर्ण ध्यान प्राप्त: अमेरिकी अपराध कथा, र उहाँले अर्को रयान मर्फी मा छ यो गिरावट माइकल Langdon रूपमा हिट, कोनी Britton छोरा र अमेरिकी हरर कथा को हालको मौसम मा एक दुष्ट लेटेक्स गिम्प GenericName राक्षस: Apocalypse. पछिल्लो शुक्रवार को रूपमा, दर्शकहरूलाई पनि कार्ड को घर को अन्तिम सिजन मा फर्न देख्न सक्नुहुन्छ. उहाँले सबैतिर छ! तर गरेको यो साँच्चै महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्न ध्यान केन्द्रित गरौं: हेलोवीन के यो त्रास-meister गरे, र उहाँले के एटिक्राईष्ट प्ले बारेमा प्रेम गर्छ? ज्यादातर को wigs, यो बाहिर जान्छ.

तपाईं हेलोवीन लागि के गर्नुभयो?
म L.A मा परेड गर्न भएको कहिल्यै गर्नुभएको. अघि - यो सधैं घटनाहरूको दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण श्रृंखला भएको, गत वर्ष जस्तै म खाना विषाक्तता थियो. यस वर्ष म अविश्वसनीय थकित थियो र म जस्तै थियो, "कुनै, अब को लागि सही समय छैन. म बस समाप्त हरर कथा, र म भावनात्मक भोकमरी छु र म जाने सक्दैन। "तर बित्तिकै मित्र सोधे रूपमा म जान चाहे भने, मैले भने, “Let’s put on a mask and do it.” So I walked around West Hollywood with some friends and beheld the spectacle before me. It was cool and overwhelming and too many people. I’m not used to Halloween. We don’t care about it in Australia.

What was your mask?
Do you remember Mortal Kombat? I went as Scorpion. I just walked around in disguise. There were a lot of people like, “You’re Cody Fern.” It’s so weird to hear people to say my name, especially my first followed by last, just based off of seeing my eyes.

After American Horror Story, is horror too spooky for you?
Oh no, I like psychosocial horror films. One my favorite films is Let the Right One In. I’ve always been a fan of Horror Story and Ryan’s work. I don’t get scared easily. It’s really thrilling, if anything.

How did you end up with the role of Michael?
Ryan asked me into his office at the end of Versace and offered me a role. यो समय को एक विशेष प्रयास अवधि थियो - म कार्ड को घर गर्न बस बन्द थियो र हामी फिलिम को प्रक्रिया मा भएको र एक आणविक बम बन्द भयो र रयान धेरै graciously भने थियो, एक कलाकार सधैं महिलाहरु अभिनेता भएको मेरो भूमिका मोडेल को सबै "के तपाईं अहिले आवश्यक असाधारण महिला कदम चाल्न छ।". जब उहाँले भन्नुभयो, "म तपाईंलाई हरर कथा के चाहनुहुन्छ. तपाईं हुनेछु विपरीत सारा Paulson र कैथी बेट्स,"म आँसु फुट्नु. उहाँले मेरो चरित्र capes लागि affinity लामो कपाल थियो भने र म जान्न आवश्यक सबै छ.

Which was better, the wigs or the capes?
Both were really fun to play around with. You put the wig on and the cape on and a lot of the work is done for you. When you know what he’s going to look like beforehand, it’s helpful in forming how he walks and talks. But I love that wig. It was a beautiful thing.

How did you feel when you found out you’d be playing the literal, actual Antichrist?
I was thrilled. How many people get to play, essentially, the Devil? It’s such an iconic role. Instantly I was aware of the pressure because people have been waiting for him since season one. I didn’t know I was playing him until two days before I stepped on set. All of the details were under wraps, so I didn’t know that it was Michael Langdon. I put all of that Antichrist stuff out of my mind and came at Michael from a human angle. You can play his journey, you can play the Antichrist’s sense of purpose, but the Antichrist as a whole is just a symbol. How can I play that? It’s like saying, यहाँ, play this mug.

What is Michael’s journey and his sense of purpose?
We see two main versions of him: We see him as a man in Outpost Three and how far he’s come, and we see him as a lost betrayed man with instincts and impulses he can’t understand and control. He’s betrayed by everyone around him, which calcifies a sense of pain about the human condition that pushes him closer to his purpose or what his perceived purpose is. He’s a boy who is used by those around him. The Satanists use him to fulfill their prophecy. He’s used by the warlocks who want to rise up and be more powerful than the witches. He’s a symbol for the witches of all that is evil, but they don’t know him and know his journey. He’s a lost young man who needs help.

I want to say there is a big separation between the character and the actor.

Oh, you don’t say!
Someone said, “How can you see him as a righteous character?” I don’t know what evil is. You tell me what it is. Michael kills people and this, that, and the other, but he’s not leading the country after sexually assaulting dozens of women. He’s not in the higher court in the country. What form of evil is Michael? In Michael’s mind, the evil he is enacting is righteous. He sees the dirty, dark secrets inside a person’s soul because he understands these pains and desires. That’s not him — it’s in the people in the first place. He’s tempting them towards it. I find that interesting, his sense of righteousness. If everyone is going to murder their family members and step over each other to get to the Sanctuary, is that Michael’s fault?

What is the grossest thing they asked you to shoot?
The black mass in episode six, where they rip [a woman’s] heart out and I had to eat it. The girl who played her, I can’t think of her name right now, was so good. She was such a fine actress. She has only a few hours to film, no one knows who she is, and now she’s laying on a table and her heart is being ripped out. It was really disturbing. I had nightmares after filming that scene. Eating the heart was fine, but watching her go through it was tough. A young girl screaming for dear life in front of you, that’s hard.

Which scene was the most fun for you to play?
The most fun I had, the most gleeful, all-out fun is in Outpost Three. Adult Michael is so delicious to play — he’s just fucking with people. It’s just psychological torture and that’s great to play. You’re playing that with Sarah Paulson as Venable. It’s just thrilling.

You mentioned that your role models have always been actresses. Which of the legendary Horror Story actresses were you most intimidated by?
They were all intimidating in their different ways. I grew up watching Kathy Bates and Misery is one of my favorite films. That was intimidating. Sarah Paulson is pioneering a new form of acting. She is acting evolved, so that was intimidating. Then I’m in a scene with Miss Jessica Lange. I’m like, Oh my God, here we go. Francis Conroy is this really quiet, almost delicate person and then she steps into Myrtle Snow and she’s this fiery, fierce, powerful witch and that was intimidating. You better bring it with these people.

What’s the American Horror Story initiation ceremony like?
My first day was shooting a nine-page interrogation scene with Sarah Paulson. It was like, Here is your costume. Here is your makeup. Get out there. The initiation ceremony is you’re led to the edge of a cliff and you’re asked to jump. And when you jump you have no idea where you’re going to fall.

तिनीहरूले तपाईंलाई जेसिका Lange गरेको छिंडीमा मा रगत पिउन बनाउन छैन?
कुनै, तिनीहरूले मलाई त्यसो भएको छैन. म चाहान्छु! म गरेका थियो एक हार्टबिट मा.

मलाई थाहा तपाईंले यो सिजन को अन्त्य दिन सक्दैन टाढा, तर तपाईं माइकल कथा कसरी समाप्त संग सन्तुष्ट हुनुहुन्छ?
यो एक धेरै सन्तोषजनक अन्त्य हुन जाँदै गर्नुपर्छ. यसलाई अन्त्य भन्ने, म भन्छु, धेरै आश्चर्य छ. यो एक अविश्वसनीय मुड छ, दुःखद, gleeful प्रसङ्ग.


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