Lub Kaum Ob Hlis Ntuj 9, 2019 1984, Zaj dabneeg American, duab

Kuv thov zam txim rau qhov ntev heev nyob ntxiv cov no, Kuv muaj tau soj ntsuam txog tej yam nyob nraum zoov qhov www thiab Elle lawm tib neeg hu tauj coob thiab. Tiam sis, Lub gallery yog kho nrog tas cov captures uas ploj lawm ntawm Cody Fern ntawm 1984 thiab koj saib tau lawv tam sim no. Dua, kuv apologies! Gallery Link: television […]

Lub Cuaj Hlis Ntuj 26, 2019 1984, Zaj dabneeg American, duab

Screencaptures ntawm Cody as Xavier hauv AHS: 1984 Tau ntxiv rau cov duab gallery. Apologies rau qhov ncua ntxiv no, tej yam muaj tau ntshav! Gallery Links: TV ntau lawm > zaj dabneeg american (2018) > caij ntuj no 09: 1984 > rov screenptures > 9×01: camp redwood television productions > zaj dabneeg american (2018) > caij ntuj no 09: 1984 > rov screenptures > 9×02: mr. jingles

Lub Yim Hli Ntuj 26, 2019 1984, Zaj dabneeg American

Daim ntawv qhia txog trailer rau lub caij yavtom ntej ntawm AHS muaj landed thiab koj yuav saib nws hauv qab no.

Lub Tsib Hlis Ntuj 6, 2019 duab

Cody ua ib tug tsis tshua muaj zog no yav tsaus ntuj ntawm lub ntsib Gala thiab kuv tau ntxiv 14 Cov duab los ntawm nws rau peb cov duab gallery. Peb cia siab tias yuav nrhiav ntxiv thiab ntxiv lawv nyob thoob plaws hauv ob peb hnub tom ntej. Gallery Link: Tsos & Txheej txheem > 2019 > 2019 Yus Gala Celebrating lub zos: Notes rau zam (Lub Tsib Hlis Ntuj […]

Lub Peb Hlis Ntuj 14, 2019 duab, xovxwm

Cody muaj nws thawj neeg npog rau cov UK style GQ magazine. Thanks to our friends at Cody Fern Source, Peb muaj ntxiv cov scans ntawm cov editorial rau peb cov duab gallery! Gallery Link: Magazine Scans > 2019 > British GQ Style (Lub Peb Hlis Ntuj)

Lub Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj 30, 2018 Zaj dabneeg American, Apocalypse, duab

Captures ntawm lub caij kawg finale ntawm Zaj dabneeg American ntshai heev: Apocalypse muaj tau ntxiv rau peb lub gallery. Peb hais goodbye rau Cody li cov antichrist, Michael tab sis peb nyob nraum tag nrho nrhiav lwm tus rau pem hauv ntej los txog rau Cody thiab nws cov hauj lwm loj hlob! Gallery Link: TV Ntaub Ntawv Qhia Txog Cov Tshooj TV > Zaj dabneeg American (2018) > caij ntuj no 09: Apocalypse > Episode […]

Lub Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj 18, 2018 xov xwm

Nyob zoo thiab txais tos rau Fernalicious, koj qhov tshiab hauv online (computer) los nplooj siab rau cov amazing thiab tuav actor, thawj coj thiab txawj sau ntawv, Cody Fern! Ob leeg Elle thiab kuv yog tus pog tso lub site thiab nqa koj qhov tseeb xov xwm, cov lus qhia, thiab cov duab rau Cody li peb nrhiav tau lawv. We have spent countless hours to get our gallery […]