Archive for the 'interview' Category

June 16, 2014 sib tham, xovxwm

Los ntawm me me tsuas lub zos yav qab teb Cross, WA-yug thiab tsa Cody Fern zoo set coj Hollywood los ntawm cua daj cua dub tom qab winning lub Australians nyob rau hauv zaj duab xis lub thib rau txhua xyoo Heath Ledger Scholarship nyob rau hauv Los Angeles. Fern tau kev tshoov siab rau siab ntso nrhiav kev ua yeeb yam tom qab pom Ledger nyob rau hauv lub 2006 zaj duab xis Khoom qab zib nyob qhov twg lub caij WA actor ua si ib heroin addict. “He’s […]

June 12, 2014 sib tham, xovxwm

Los ntawm ib tug me me tsuas lub zos nyob rau hauv teb chaws Australia mus rau lub American theem, Australian-yug Cody Fern tau coj ntau yam kev thaum lub sij hawm nws caum qab mus ntxiv dag zog thiab ntxiv nws ua yeeb yam txuj ci. Tam sim no, Fern yog lub 2014 recipient of Australians in Film’s sixth annual Heath Ledger Scholarship, ib qho puav pheej tswj nyiaj txiag thiab tso txhawb lam ntawm Australian qhovntsej thiaj tsis mob. On […]

June 12, 2014 sib tham, xovxwm

Cody Fern, 25, yeej tawm runners-up Charlotte zoo tshaj plaws thiab qag Whitehead rau lub $20,000 nqi zog. Western Australian actor Cody Fern was named the Australians In Film Heath Ledger Scholarship winner for 2014 at a celebratory dinner in Los Angeles on Thursday that was hosted by musician, actor thiab cov thawj coj, Tim Minchin. Lub 25-xyoo, best known for his role as […]

October 14, 2012 sib tham, xovxwm

Nws loj hlob tuaj nyob rau hauv ib tug me me Outback lub zos thiab tsis teem ko taw nyob rau hauv ib tug nyob ntev mus txog thaum peb lub xyoos mus. Tam sim no, ntawm 24, Cody Fern has been cast in the coveted lead role for the Australian run of international stage sensation War Horse. Nws mus tsis tau hais tias hais tias nws yog heev kom tau tsaws ib tug npau suav lub luag hauj lwm, […]