nws April 9, 2021 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Wearing Maison Margiela, the actor covers Man About Town’s SS21 issue. Our gallery has been updated with the photoshoot.

The actor, style muse and Ryan Murphy favourite is doing things his own way, eager to be defined by more than just his career choices.

If there is one image that springs to mind when you think of Cody Fern, it might be from the Golden Globes, back in 2019. This was in the Before Times, when red carpets were still a thing, and there was Fern, decked out in Maison Margiela. Black Tabi boots, black high-waisted trousers, and a black buttoned-up blouse, sheer from the shoulders up. It was the kind of outfit that seemed to make the whole world stop and wonder, perhaps collectively: who the fuck is that? Soon, they would all find out.

Until that point, Fern had been best known for appearing in The Assassination of Gianni Versace as David Madsen, the second victim of serial killer Andrew Cunanan. But he now found himself at the centre of a “gender-fluid fashion” moment, an overnight style icon who would soon feature on the cover of a certain gentleman’s magazine under the headline: “Hollywood’s genderfuck rebel”.

“I knew exactly what it was going to do,” he says now, of the reaction the look generated. “And the thing is, I didn’t give a shit.”

Had he changed fashion? Had he tipped the very concept of gender on its head? Even Fern is unconvinced (“did we forget about Bowie?” he asks). But what he had done is walked into the Margiela store in LA and bought the outfit himself, right off the rack, because no one had wanted to dress him for the awards. That would change very quickly.

“I had been playing the game of wearing the suit with the nice tie and trying to fit in, so there was part of me that thought fuck that,” he says of his style up until that point. “So doing that at the Golden Globes? It was actually for me. It was like shedding that skin.”

Five months later, Fern was in New York. It was May, Met Gala season, and that year’s theme was “Camp: Notes on Fashion”, based on an essay by Susan Sontag. Lady Gaga had four outfit changes; Harry Styles wore an all-black ensemble with sheer sleeves; Shawn Mendes wore, well, a suit. But Fern wanted to change expectations the way he had done at the Golden Globes, and he knew just the way to go about it

Cody Fern wears Maison Margiela on the cover of Man About Town’s SS21 issue. To read the full cover story, pre order the issue now.

nws December 9, 2019 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Kuv thov txim rau qhov ntev heev ncua nyob rau hauv ntxiv cov, Kuv tau raug soj ntsuam txog tej yam sab nraum lub www thiab Elle tau tibneeg hu tauj coob zoo li. Txawm li cas los, lub gallery tshiab nrog rau tus so ntawm lub uas ploj lawm captures ntawm Cody Fern los ntawm 1984 thiab koj yuav saib lawv tam sim no. dua, kuv apologies!

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Gallery Link:

Holly September 26, 2019 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Screencaptures ntawm Cody li Xavier nyob rau hauv AHS: 1984 tau ntxiv rau cov duab gallery. Apologies rau qhov kev ncua nyob rau hauv ntxiv cov, tej yam uas muaj ib tug me ntsis muaj num ntau!

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Gallery Links:

Holly August 26, 2019 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Cov tag nrho cov trailer rau lub yavtom ntej lub caij ntawm AHS tau tsaws thiab koj yuav saib tau nws hauv qab no.

Holly May 6, 2019 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Cody made a rare appearance this evening at the Met Gala and I have added 14 photos from it to our image gallery. We hope to find more and add them in throughout the next couple of days.

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Holly Lub peb hlis ntuj 14, 2019 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Cody muaj nws thawj hauj lwm cover rau lub UK lub GQ Style magazine. Tsaug rau peb cov phooj ywg nyob Cody Fern Tau qhov twg los, peb muaj ntxiv cov kev soj ntawm cov editorial rau peb daim duab gallery!

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Gallery Link:

Holly December 29, 2018 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Raws li ntau ntawm koj paub, peb kaw peb qhov chaw vim muaj tshwm sim qhov twg peb twb ua phem thiab tham down rau ntau tshaj cov watermarks rau peb cov duab. Yuav kom ncaj ncees txig, peb tau sib cav tswv yim tsis nqa lub site rov qab thiab kaw kom zoo tab sis tom qab noj lub sij hawm los tham nws tshaj thiab xyuas tej yam uas, we decided that we were not going to let a couple of people who are clearly cyberbullies win. This is by the way the last time either of us will be discussing this matter because we want to move into the new year with positivity instead of negativity.

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Holly Kaum ib hlis 30, 2018 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Captures los ntawm lub caij finale ntawm American Ntshai heev zaj dabneeg: Apocalypse have been added to our gallery. We say goodbye to Cody as the antichrist, Michael tab sis peb txhua tus nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau dab tsi los tom ntej no rau Cody thiab nws loj hlob ua hauj lwm!

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Gallery Link:

Holly Kaum ib hlis 18, 2018 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

Nyob zoo thiab txais tos rau Fernalicious, koj newest online qhov nplooj siab mus rau lub amazing thiab feemxyuam actor, thawj coj thiab txawj sau ntawv, Cody Fern! Ob Elle thiab kuv yog pog tso qhov chaw thiab coj koj qhov tseeb xov xwm, ntaub ntawv, thiab cov duab nyob rau Cody raws li peb nrhiav tau. Peb tau siv countless teev kom tau peb gallery thiab khiav thiab peb nyob nraum tseem ntxiv! Ua tsaug rau koj xa me nyuam rov thiab peb vam tias koj txaus siab rau dab tsi peb yuav tsum muaj li no deb li deb rau cov kiv cua. Ua raws li peb ntawm peb cov twitter account (@codyfernnet) nyob mus txog hnub tim nrog cov chaw thiab tau txais alerts ntawm thaum peb tswg cov ntsiab lus tshiab rau koj thiab yog hais tias koj muaj tej yam uas koj xav pom peb ntxiv siv cov hu rau daim ntawv thiab qhia rau peb paub! Peb yuav tsis txhob tos mus muab ntau ntawm Cody lub Hollywood taug txoj kev mus nrog txhua leej txhua tus!

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nws Kaum ib hlis 14, 2018 Sau ntawv cia Ncua

"Thiab tsis muaj leej twg yog ib sib ntaus sib tua Royale li Ryan [Murphy] puas muaj sib ntaus sib tua Royale,"FX lub hnub qub qhia TheWrap

(Ceeb toom: Cov ncej no muaj lwj rau "American Ntshai heev zaj dabneeg: Apocalypse "los ntawm lub lim piam tas rov)

Nws zoo li "American Ntshai heev zaj dabneeg: Apocalypse "yog yuav mus xaus nrog ib tug Bang hmo no - cia. Tab sis, tiag tiag, dab tsi koj tau txais los ntawm ib lub caij tag nrho txog rau thaum xaus ntawm lub ntiaj teb no?

Yog, peb tam sim no paub Michael Langdon txoj hau kev - uas zoo nkaus li yuav tsum tau mus saib lub ntiaj teb no thiab txhua yam nyob rau hauv nws, xws li cov neeg pesky witches, mus nyob rau hauv cov nplaim taws - yog maj mam tuaj rau fruition, raws li hmo no yog lub caij 8 finale.

TheWrap hais lus nrog Cody Fern tom qab rov 808, "tseem,"Kom tau raws li ntau yam lus raws li peb tejzaum yuav txog yuav ua li cas nws on-screen hloov ego - lub Antichrist nws tus kheej - kev pab them nqi rau duke nws tawm nrog Supreme Cordelia Goode (Sarah Paulson) thiab nws coven rau lub finale ntawm Ryan Murphy tus "Apocalypse." Thiab yog dab tsi peb kawm yog nws mus muaj ib tug loj thiab ntxhov showdown.

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