Archive for the 'photos' Category

April 9, 2021 photos, pàipearan-naidheachd

Wearing Maison Margiela, the actor covers Man About Town’s SS21 issue. Our gallery has been updated with the photoshoot. The actor, style muse and Ryan Murphy favourite is doing things his own way, eager to be defined by more than just his career choices. If there is one image that springs to mind when you […]

Mi duilich airson na glè fhada a 'cur dàil ann an sin a, Mi air a bhith a 'dèiligeadh ri rudan taobh a-muigh www agus Elle air a bhith trang a bharrachd. Ach, a 'ghaileiridh ùrachadh leis a' chòrr den chall a 'glacadh de Cody Fern bho 1984 agus is urrainn dhut fhaicinn dhiubh a-nis. -rithist, gabh mo leisgeul! Ceangal Ealan: telebhisean […]

An t-Sultain 26, 2019 1984, American Horror Sgeulachd, photos

Screencaptures of Cody as Xavier in AHS: 1984 have been added to the image gallery. Apologies for the delay in adding these, things have been a bit hectic! Gallery Links: telebhisean > Ameireaganach uamhann sgeulachd (2018) > ràith 09: 1984 > Episode screencaptures > 9×01: camp redwood television productions > Ameireaganach uamhann sgeulachd (2018) > ràith 09: 1984 > Episode screencaptures > 9×02: mr. jingles

May 6, 2019 photos

Cody made a rare appearance this evening at the Met Gala and I have added 14 photos from it to our image gallery. We hope to find more and add them in throughout the next couple of days. Ceangal Ealan: Appearances & Events > 2019 > 2019 Met Gala Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion (May […]

March 14, 2019 photos, pàipearan-naidheachd

Cody has his first official cover for the UK’s GQ Style magazine. Thanks to our friends at Cody Fern Source, we have added digital scans of the editorial to our image gallery! Ceangal Ealan: Magazine Scans > 2019 > British GQ Style (March)

An t-Samhain 30, 2018 American Horror Sgeulachd, Apocalypse, photos

Glacadh bhon t-seusan finale Ameireaganach Horror Sgeulachd: Apocalypse have been added to our gallery. We say goodbye to Cody as the antichrist, Mìcheal ach tha sinn uile a 'coimhead air adhart ri dè an ath rud airson Cody agus a' fàs dreuchd! Ceangal Ealan: Telebhisean Productions > American Horror Sgeulachd (2018) > Season 09: Apocalypse > Episode […]