Nuvembre 18, 2017 Lascià una circulacion

U parè nantu crescente up in l 'Australian outback, ghjucà, figliolu di Jennifer Garner, and his next role on American Crime Story.

Basatu nantu Joy Nicholson l' 1997 megghiu-vendita u rumanzu di u listessu nomu, funzione narrativa monopoli Brendan è Emmett Malloys ', A tribù di Palos Verdes-with scrittura capaci di Karen Croner chì scambiati e mani parechje Directors 'duranti u so guasi dui anni in u sviluppu-hè a storia di una famiglia in crisi, crià contru à u maestosu funnali di custeri Southern California.

U Maurer appena si trasferì à una ricca Palos Verdes, comu radichi in una residenza clifftop idilliaco supraneghja u ego Pacific. Ma comu la nostra prutagunista altru Medina (Maika Monroe) à noi nant'à a voiceover, ci era malata Paletta longu nanzu a famiglia ghjuntu in stu paradisu. At 16, ch'ella hè un outcast chì relies sanu troppu nant'à u so fratellu, sand effortlessly charismatic Jim (Cody Fern). Medina et Jim piglià à l 'ondi ogni casu si arrivare-a so maestria di u surf un reprieve da u so doomy stà in casa soia. Guardà u so manic matri maniaco Sandy (Jennifer Garner), chì cresce pathologically dipinnenza Jim quandu u so seguitate-vostra-filici maritu Phil (Justin Kirk) ellu stessu extricates da i so "in moods pirtusu nìuru" à esse cù u so ghjovanu, nativu agenti real estate (Alicia Silverstone). In fattu, Medina e Sandy sò cusì cacciati Murat-equilibriu da stu cutter da a Rumenia Michigan à un mondu rigidu è Sant chi li tinia à un ground ancu pigghia prevalenza per Jim, ancu cum'è Ghjesù Sole alba in a so prisenza-una droga drogherie disastru-in-aspittà.

inno sat down with Fern, a newcomer who makes his debut performance in an American feature with A tribù di Palos Verdes, a discurriri nzèmmula a so vita passata crescente up in a piccula cità minieri di Cross San in u outback di Australia Western, vinceru la Management Heath Ledger, è cumu Cate Blanchett rerouted u so percorsu da a finanza a assicutannu i so ambizioni ricitazzioni in Guatemala.

A tribù di Palos Verdes is in select theaters on December 1.

It devi esse salvatichi fideghja daretu à induve tù ghjunse da avà. Cross Southern corsu Petricaghju.

-Sintinedddi, it’s Petricaghju. Quandu I fù crescente, su, era menu tandu 300 populu. Hè bona di difficiuli à mette in e parolle. I statu di parlà à qualchissia circa sta l 'altru ghjornu: I vulemu pè ottene un vechju fucularu mette in, ma poi comu do you ancu arrivare in legno? Hè fattu à mè riflissioni nantu sorte in lu paese durante inguernu è truvannu arburi è li tagliere su. Chì hè quantu voi intreccia tena andarinu. Hè d'capiscia, "Oh Signore. La vita chi mi sentu vivant avà da a la vita I fù vivant hè tantu unrelatable. "Ci Patrunu tantu crisciuta differente. Hè salvatichi! I sugnu accussì patrimoniu di induve I crisciutu è cumu I crisciutu è i spirienzi chì I francisata troppu avutu. Hè ghjustu una vita cumpritamenti diversi muvimenti à L.A. cù filmi è culturali di stampa.

Comu hà voi guariri di 'chi' accentu di u cosita?

Era difficiuli, -Sintinedddi! Ma mi pari d'appena parte è spiccà s'è vo l'esce da quì à agisce è travaglià in i States. You megliu hannu un vermi bona accentu American. Si pigghia assai di u travagliu, sai? Hè un mistieru cumplitamenti differente. Hè una manera cumpletamenti differente di muvimenti a vostra bocca. Avete u travagliu in u cutidianu, pensu. Hè duru, ma hè piacè. I amuri travaglià incù un accentu.

Jim usa bellu Surfen cum'è un miccanisimu di fruntiggiari di tutte e cose chì sò andava di mali in a so vita in casa. Ùn vi vede assai d 'acqua, crescente up in Australia?

I surfed quandu I fù crescente, su tantu I avia campatu cun ella. Jim ama Surfen. Penzu Surfen diventa a so vita. Hè ellu dà una ruttura da a rialità. Ma ellu ùn hà un scopu in u Surfen-o di vita-a tutti. A cosa chì ellu fù purtannu tantu gioia hè avà cosa si faci à pienu in. Iddu putiri cu diprissioni bedda pisanti. Penzu a bœuf principale di Jim hè, in chì circustanze, sta cosa ca nun amatu ch'ellu ùn ancu comu cchiù perchè ùn ci hè nunda chi. ma sì, u Malloys ci era fora à l 'acqua,. Avemu fattu assai di i nostri so Surfen, chì hè passiunanti. Ma noi stati dinù Info durante i venti Santa Anita, tantu ci hè un assai, bunissima n'ondata. Era dicey! [Laughs]

Cosa hè u piace à ghjucà, figliolu di Jennifer Garner? Cosa assirvazzioni micca voi fari circa u so?

Lucchi hè una nantu tuccò. She’s somebody who shows up to work ready to go. She’s such a bright light. This was such a different role to play for her. I think people are used to seeing Jen as the likable, lovely and amenable woman on screen, and this is certainly not that role. She was never afraid to go there. She was always pushing herself and challenging herself to go deeper, and remove that veil of being relatable or being liked by the audience. She certainly threw herself into that. The thing about Jen is that, when she arrives on set, ch'ella hè a Santa Lucia è u più persone falà-a-terra, vi troppu eternu scontra. Idda fa felici, sentimu a casa, è ùn ci hè nunda di "Diva" circa u so. Idda ùn vulete sucu identitariu. Ch'ella ùn hà primura per una rimorca. Idda era destra a lu matinu di lu cù tutte e noi. Ci sò tutti i vinciri in stu statutu di a casa in Palos Verdes è noi ci piddà a lu. Ci hè una vera Trooper. Idda cura parlà circa u so di travagliu. Penzu qualchissia pò rispittari chì.

Avete un narrativa parlà arrizzà. I sapè voi manca di u mondu di i Finanzi arquantu abruptly a cuntinuazione agiscenu piena à. Avete parlà lascià la càrrica di lunch unu jornu e nun turnari?

[Laughs] Hè una storia vera, -Sintinedddi.

Chi l'densita!

I hè assai più tandu, pensu. Stu vene daretu à Jim in u cosita. vogliu dì, I avia appena arrivatu a un puntu in la me vita, unni vo avete a firmavanu Oliver circa ciò chì altre persone pinsari e chi vi pari chi 'àutri genti pensa, issa idea di a riescita è ciò chì a riescita hè, è ciò chì ghjera un upstanding menzu u citadinu. I era ghjustu un essaru umanu disgraziati quandu I statu u travagliu in finanzi. I odiatu mio vita. I odiatu induve I andavanu. I hated every part of it and knew that I had to do something radical—and viloci. I circava falà a vita l'omi è pinsava, "Stupendo. Stu ùn hè micca ciò chì mi vulete u mio vita à esse. But I’m here and I’m doing it and I’m trying to fit in.” I had seen Elisabetta, u prima unu cu Cate Blanchett, è lu veru fattu mi vogghiu addivintari un attore. Then when I had gone to see The Age Golden, era stu stranu signu ca ju era sempre unraveling perchè chi vinniru 10 anni dopu,. It harkened daretu à tuttu ciò chì mi era pensatu, avutu, vulutu, e la spiranza di quandu eru minori. Era un vera mumentu di spartera. Ùn arrivare Universe o whatnot avvinta, ma à cuntrollà in cu se e quantu vi sentu circa a vostra vita, è induve si d'aller, aghju pensatu, "I veramenti seriu s'oppònenu à u mumentu." Dimarchja hè ciò ch'e aghju sempre vulsutu fà. Sè vo Patrunu sona u feremu, voi a francisata troppu hè unu casu di vai e femu dritta oghje. È aghju. I camina fora a merenda è I appena mai arriturnau.

Tu te u vostru principiu in teatru. You got a lot of acclaim for War Horse. Then you were the recipient of the Heath Ledger Management in 2014. Nun vi sentu comu chi vi desi na granni grandi impulsu?

-Sintinedddi, ricci! Era unu di i mutivi principali chi I fu capaci à esce da a Los Angeles. Hè assai difficiule cum'è un furasteru à vene in stu paese-micca pè ottene troppu anti-Trump avvinta à u mumentu, Purtantu I ricci sò anti-Trump-n particulari cum'è un attore. Avete à tick tanti scatuli. You have to have a certain amount of acclaim. You have to be at the top of your field, etcetera, etcetera. Winning that scholarship propelled me into a field, which made it possible for me to work here. Without that, the opportunity might not have come up again for a couple of years. So it really acted as a launching pad for me to get out here to Los Angeles and start meeting people and kick things into gear. It was a great initiative. I’m very thankful for that.

As much as that scholarship is a once in a lifetime thing for you, it must be so rewarding for the Ledger family, too. Heath’s career was cut short, but they can nurture a new generation.

It’s such an exciting initiative and I know it means a lot to Kim [Ledger] and his family.

Do you still stay in touch with Kim?

It’s been a while, which I’ve been feeling guilty about. [Laughs] I certainly will reach out to him. Heath was such an inspirational actor and guy. It was such a tragic loss. He really was a beacon of hope in Australia in terms of the industry. We’re always looking up to people like him, Cate Blanchett and Jeffrey Rush, and what they’re doing. It makes you wonder, “How am I able to get out there and do amazing work and continue [Heath’s] name and carry on his legacy?"

You’re at an important crossroads right now because you’re brand new and the slate is clean. The first steps will dictate everything that follows. How do you feel at this current juncture?

I feel really excited! I’m very passionate about the craft of acting and the kind of impact you can actually have. I love the process of collaboration. When I came out to the States, I was hoping and wishing and waiting to be an actor, but kind of diversified and started writing. I was going to be directing my first feature film when [A tribù di Palos Verdes] came through for me. Right now, there are things I’m not allowed to talk about. I have a couple of projects coming up, which should put me out of auditioning again for a while. I feel very fortunate. I’m excited about the future.

I don’t want to put you on the spot, but can you talk about American Crime Story?

-Sintinedddi! I wouldn’t have been able to if it weren’t for the trailer that was just released. On January 17th, I’ll be in Ryan Murphy’s American Crime Story and the Gianni Versace world. I play a fairly significant role in that series. I can’t say who I play or what goes down, but that’s next for me.

What’s going on with your short film Pisces that you wrote and directed? I know you cast Keir Gilchrist in that and he was in It Follows with Maika Monroe. How did you guys meet?

Keir and I met at Sundance Lab, which is an initiative set up by the Sundance Institute. It’s been going on for a couple decades now. It’s an opportunity for artists to take risks and make content and learn from each other. It’s run by Robert Redford and I took part in this film called American Animals directed by Bart Leyton. I met Keir through that project and we became friends. I was just getting increasingly frustrated by the lack of interesting roles that were coming out, particularly for people in my age group. I just really didn’t want to play, and refuse to play, the guy next door or the throwaway guy in high school. It’s just not where I want to go. So I started writing and wrote Pisces, which was produced by Nancy Grant and Xavier Dolan through their company Sons of Manual. That was a truly amazing project—we shot on 35mm film. It was set up as a proof of concept for a feature that I’ll be directing in the future. Working with Keir was a great experience and he’s a phenomenal actor. It was nice to act together in that because I think we were both frustrated. Now flash forward a year and he’s doing Atypical on Netflix and I’ve done this film, and there’s American Crime Story. It’s all about the work at the end of the day—good work. That was a great stepping stone, just speaking for myself as a filmmaker. I’m very passionate about it.

I was sort of curious about the Malloy Brothers. They made music videos for artists like Avril Lavigne and The White Stripes at the height of their fame. What are those guys like?

They’re incredible guys. They have such an interesting dynamic as brothers, which was a lot of fun to play with. They each have their own perspective on what’s happening in a scene. They had different opinions, but at the end of the day, they were there to tell an incredible story. They were a lot of fun. We became like one big family. This was my first feature out here in the States. Actually, it was my first feature, full stop. It was an exciting process because we were all learning together.

Just circling back to what we talked about earlier in the conversation, was it really rattling when you moved out to L.A.? Your character in the movie goes through a seismic lifestyle change upon arriving in Palos Verdes. Is that something you can possibly use as an actor?

I had never experienced anything like it. My first time in L.A. was when I actually moved out here because I had never been. I jumped off the plane and it was like, “I’m just gonna have to make this work,” which is something I’d been used to because I moved from country to the city and that city to another city in Australia, Aghju vissutu in Melbourne per un pocu, e Brisbane. I fù tantu usatu a si movi è I veru, comu chi prucessu. I gudiri crisciuta è cambià e accumpagna fora di a mo zona di cunfortu. Penzu hè qualcosa I Mulateri Di L'cuntinuà à fà in a vita. I love Los Angeles è ch'e ùn vede mmia, lassannu, Ma ci hè una parte di mè chì voli dinò à sapè ciò chì hè cum'è à campà in New York o di São Paulo. I love u scopu di vivono in lochi sfarenti, diffirenti curturi. ma sì, hè statu un sintimu stranu ca veni a L.A. Vidìannu lu segnu Guatemala per a prima volta hè assai voglia perchè tù crisciutu incù chì. You sognu avvinta in Australia è ciò chì Hollywood hè, e si l'asprezza! [Laughs] Ùn aghju micca cunnosce qualunqui qui, Ma ùn m'hà micca piglià troppu longu à campà in. L.A. d'stata assai bonu pi mia e sacciu L.A. pò esse una cità difficiule di qualchi. I appena fattu sicuru ch'e hè in a sucetà di boni genti-non sulu a la nnustria, Ma in generale. I love ogni siconda di u. I sugnu sulu sempri suspresu è impauriti da tuttu ciò chì d'corso.


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